I'm a New TrueCrypt User

2008-03-17 11:45 - Tech

A few weeks ago, I posted about the then-new TrueCrypt version 5.0 which looked appealing. Since then, version 5.1 came out. Over the weekend, I went through the process of installing it on my laptop.

First, I had the disk partitioned in two, 20GB as C: and the remaining (~140GB) space as D:. TrueCrypt doesn't support logical partitions, when encrypting the whole drive, so after a lot of shuffling around, I managed to get the second partition replaced with a primary partition instead, and installed.

Installing TrueCrypt itself went very smoothly. Everything was great, except it broke hibernation. Only a short bit of searching and I found a post about just that topic on their forums. There's already a beta out to fix it, and it worked great for me.


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